ILC-ECFA Workshop 2008

Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, Poland

The Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, together with the Institute of Nuclear Studies, is very pleased to host the International Linear Collider ECFA Workshop. The Warsaw group is strongly engaged in the world-wide ILC physics and detector studies. A recently established Polish network FITAL aims at coordinating efforts and encouraging closer collaboration of theorists, experiemntalists and technicians from Polish universities and research institutes engaged in the ILC-related physics and R&D studies. The workshop is organized under the mandate of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to study the physics and detectors for a linear collider. This European meeting is part of three regional studies: the European (ECFA ) Study, the North American ( ALCPG ) Study and the Asian ( ACFA ) Study. Results from these studies are combined in the Linear Collider Workshops (LCWS). This year LCWS2008 will take place 16-20 November 2008 at University of Illinois, Chicago. The ILC-ECFA Warsaw workshop is coordinated with the Joint ACFA/GDE Workshop (TILC08) 3-6 March 2008 in Sendai, Japan, and the GDE Meeting - ILC Conventional Facilites and Siting Workshop , 2-6 June 2008 in Dubna (Russia). The event will take place in Warsaw (Poland) at the Warszawski Dom Technika NOT (WDT NOT) and the Auditorium BUW at the University of Warsaw. Both places are at the heart of Warsaw and 5 min walk from each other.
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