SA2-JRA4 Conference Call



Javier Orellana
CERN conference system: +41 22 767 7000 Ask for code: EGEE-JRA4 Organized by: Javier Orellana 1. Approve of minutes 2. Managerial Issues 2.1. Situation vacancies: 2.1.1. UCL: 2.1.2. CNRS: Candidate selected and he will start in the mid May. 2.1.3. GARR: They are in the process of interviewing 2.2. Training: For new hires “EGEE Induction Course”: New session for the induction course at CERN. It will be a more stable course took from DataGrid Initial opportunities (Naples 18-30/July) Gloria mentioned that the deadline is for 1st of May, but I don’t think it is going to be any problem if the new people joining EGEE later than this date wish to attend. 2.3. JRA4 web page ( ): Anand sent some comments and suggestions. 2.3.1. Asking for comments to improve the documentation 3. Cork Updated 3.1. Brief summary for SA2 3.2. Brief summary for JRA4 3.3. Standing items from Cork: 3.3.1. Joint conference with JRA1 3.3.2. Joint conference with NA4 3.3.3. Joint conference with JRA3 3.3.4. TNLB, how to progress? 3.3.5. Contribution to GHPN 3.3.6. Performance Monitoring Subsystems 3.3.7. About R-GMA 3.3.8. Bandwidth Allocation system: Interface between EGEE and Network 4.Progress update 4.1.Network Performance Monitoring MJRA4.1: “Study of Performance Standards” (S-T1.1.1) “Selection of the appropriate metrics” (S-T1.1.2) MJRA4.2 (T1.2) : “Requirements and use case for end users” (S-T1.2.1) “Requirements and use case for operations” (S-T1.2.2) 4.2.Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation DJRA4.1 (T2.1) “Analysis of existing Interfaces” (S-T2.1.1) and “Survey of software available today” (S-T2.1.2) 5.Set up of the Architecture team, mainly for the Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation tool 6.Next meetings: 7.AOB
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