From: Gilbert Poulard Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:46 AM To: Les Robertson Cc:; atlas-sw-cmb (ATLAS Computing Management Board); Bernd Panzer-Steindel; Tim Smith Subject: MySQL request Dear Les, Find below the request from ATLAS for MySQL. Best regards, Gilbert ATLAS has developed and is adopting a multi-tier database server model to speed-up the offline software development cycle and leverage existing user-friendly database development tools. This model fits well with three-tier Oracle servers model implemented by IT division and includes the production database server tier, the dedicated server tier for software and database schema development and the limited access servers needed for database server technology evaluation. During the coming year ATLAS will verify its Computing Model in ATLAS Data Challenge 2 and the Combined Test Beam data processing. Both efforts involve significant amounts of conditions and calibrations data. ATLAS is committed to the common LHC-wide solutions and is looking forward to adopt the Oracle implementation of the conditions database and the POOL persistency in Oracle for the conditions data payload when they come from the common LCG projects. Some online platform-specific considerations may also limit feasilbility of access to Oracle implementation of calibration and conditions data. ATLAS does not have enough manpower to implement a new ATLAS-specific stop-gap solutions in Oracle for the coming Combined Test Beam and Data Challenge 2 efforts. It is critical for ATLAS to use the existing MySQL implementation for conditions data during the next year. Note, that the existing MySQL implementation provided ATLAS with database services on the grid clusters with computing elements behind the closed firewalls. The MySQL solution was already successfully tested and deployed during the ATLAS Data Challenge 1. Given the relatively large volume of the conditions data and the need for mirroring database services it is not clear what is the Oracle database access solution for closed grid clusters in ATLAS Data Challenge 2. That is why we are requesting for three dedicated Linux dataservers to deploy ATLAS MySQL services at CERN. Preferably, these should be a 2-CPU 32bit Linux machines like the lxshare070d with at least 1 GB of memory and the 480 GB of disk space (4x120GB disks). The disk space can be reduced by two. The IT/FIO already do have the dataservers machines like the lxshare070d. To reduce the IT configuration management overhead we are requesting the available machines of the same type. ATLAS is committed to taking the full advantage of the CPU-services provided by IT division on all three dataservers requested. Given the cost uncertainties, we have prioritized our request in the following increments: Priority 1 Number of machines 1 Server tier DC Production Connectivity world-wide open firewall port 3306 Average access rate 10 queries/second Peak access rate 100 queries/second Availability high (during DC2 period) Backup frequency weekly Backup volume 10 GB ATLAS users 3 =============== Priority 2 Number of machines 1 Server tier Software Development Connectivity world-wide or CERN domain only Average access rate 1 queries/second Peak access rate 100 queries/second Availability not critical Backup frequency weekly Backup volume 1 GB ATLAS users 5 =============== Priority 3 Number of machines 1 Server tier Database Development Connectivity CERN domain only Average access rate .1 queries/second Peak access rate 1000 queries/second Availability not critical Backup frequency weekly Backup volume 100 MB ATLAS users 3 Ideally, if we could get five machines, the additional two will be used to set up the robust data replication in one of the tiers. If the CPU-service will not be provided by the IT division ATLAS will be forced to deploy its own servers. Since such practice is becoming a de-facto common solution for most CERN experiments, ATLAS is uncomfortable in positioning the IT division in such situation. Note, that out of more than 250 MySQL servers deployed at CERN, ATLAS is using just a few and is vigorously pursuing the IT division support in providing database services for the experiment. The lxshare070d machine and it's handling by the IT division is an excellent example of a successful service provided by IT for the common LCG project. On lxshare070d the MySQL server daemon process is run under the non-privileged account that have no login privileges. Several LCG developers have login privileges to the lxshare070d machine for the needs of MySQL server administration. ATLAS is looking forward to receive a similar service for the coming year. G. Poulard CERN PH-ATC CERN Meyrin CH-1211 Geneve 23 Phone: (+41) 22 7672972 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: Alias: Archives: Website: (Public) (Restricted) ----------------------------------------------------------------------