ROC (86)



Cristina Vistoli
Phone numbers are: 800 929253 (for Italy) International +39 02 3700 9000 PIN code: 3154172 Here is a list of agenda items for the meeting. Item - Topic - Leader - Duration 86.01 - Administrative matters - Alistair - 5' 86.02 - ARM/COD and other SA1 meetings in Barcelona - Alistair - 5' 86.03 - Status of deliverables: DSA1.7, DSA1.8, DSA1.9 - Alistair/ Luciano/ Helene - 5' 86.04 - Process verification to add a new VO - Rolf/ Patricia - 5' 86.05 - Offers of added value for EGEE-II - Alistair - 5' 86.06 - The EGEE review II in December - Alistair - 5' 86.07 - The GGUS Service Verification with the ROCs - Helene/ Alistair - 5' 86.08 - The use by TPM of IRC and similar technology - Alistair - 5' 86.09 - Program of meetings for 2006 - Alistair - 5' 86.10 - Metrics - Ognjen - 5' 86.11 - VO boxes and GDB - Jeremy - 5' 86.12 - TCG - ? - 5' 86.13 - Actions from the GDA - Sven - 5' Total - - - 65' Comments, additions etc will be welcome. v 86.02 - 21 November 2005 - Alistair Mills
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