Summer Student Lecture Programme Course

Beyond the Standard Model (1/4)

by Kiritsis, E (Ecole polytechnique CPHT, University of Crete )

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
The necessity for new physics beyond the Standard Model will be motivated. Theoretical problems will be exposed and possible solutions will be described. The goal is to present the exciting new physics ideas that will be tested in the near future. Supersymmetry, grand unification, extra dimensions and string theory will be presented.

Organiser(s): HR-RFA

Note: Good quantum mechanics and special relativity. Elements of Quantum Field Theory are a plus. The courses of G.G. Ross and A. Pich in this year's series of lectures.
Video in CDS
From the same series
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