25–26 Aug 2005
NAREGI Conference Room
Europe/Zurich timezone


Day 1

25 Aug 2005, 09:00
NAREGI Conference Room

NAREGI Conference Room

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kenichi Miura (National Institute of Informatics)
25/08/2005, 09:00
Mike Mineter (NeSC Edinburgh)
25/08/2005, 11:30
Giuseppe Andronico (INFN Catania)
25/08/2005, 12:20
lcg-infosites R-GMA
Roberto Barbera (Univ. Catania and INFN)
25/08/2005, 14:00
Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology/NII)
25/08/2005, 17:30
Building timetable...