ELFms Meeting, Tuesday, 26th July, 2005

Present: Hugo Cacote, German Cancio, Alasdair Earl, Jan van Eldik, Thorsten Kleinwort (minutes), Veronique Lefebure, Marco-Emilio Poleggi, Dinesh Sarode, Matthias Schroeder, Miroslav Siket, Karol Stanislawek, William Tomlin

Last Minutes:

To be finished by Vlado

New Lemon API (Karol):

Karol gave an overview about the work that will be done to implement a new Lemon API.


German presented the new TWIKI web pages for ELFms: https://uimon.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ELFms/WebHome.

New set_partitions()

German explained that we had two different set_partition() functions in CDB before, which were merged due to Miroslavs work into one function. But this function is still referring to a schema that was set up before the official schema that is now in the Quattor release.