Deployment team

VRVS - Twister virtual room

VRVS - Twister virtual room

Jeremy Coles
VRVS - Twister
    • 1
      Review of actions
      Speaker: Jeremy
    • 2
      Site name change proposals
      - Refer to email sent on Wednesday 10:00 GMT - What are the Tier-2 designators - Timeline for implementing changes
      Speaker: Jeremy/All
    • 3
      Feedback from LHC CRRB
      - an opportunity to learn how the talk was received ( - what were the main comments and questions? - anything interesting from the rest of the meeting
      Speaker: Graeme
    • 4
      Update on security challenges
      - what is the current status?
      Speaker: Alessandra
    • 5
      Progress with SC4 preparations
      - A review of each area - Check Chris's wiki entry ( -- SRM deployments -- FTS channels (what exists) -- Transfer tests (what has been done) -- LFC (document and hosting) -- Other
      Speaker: Jeremy/All
    • 6
      UKI performance
      - more resources (e.g. LeSC) - why do we fail tests more often than other regions?
      Speaker: Jeremy
      more information
    • 7
      Speaker: All