======================================================== E2emonit: traceroute EGEE JRA4 Face to Face meeting, Pisa, 24-25 October 2005 ======================================================== Present ------- UEDIN: Alistair Phipps (AKP), Andy Jackson (AJ) CNRS: Sophie Nicoud (SN), Benjamin Vial (BV) DFN: Robert Stoy (DFN) Actions arising --------------- [BV] Document meaning of supported traceroute ! codes Discussion ---------- BV described schema suggested by AKP and ML. RS disagreed with use of average, and said it was sometimes useful to see all 3 RTTs (e.g. sometimes 1st response slower due to router decisions). Therefore we can instead use Hop1RTT1#Hop1RTT2#Hop1RTT3!Hop2RTT1#Hop2RTT2... etc Max TTL and probe timeout are parameters that should be output from the traceroute tool and stored in R-GMA. When a probe is lost, an empty entry can be stored, e.g.: 23.5##10.3!##!25.3#19.5#15.5 Corresponds to: 23.5 * 10.3 * * * 25.3 19.5 15.5 If a hop response with another ICMP response, this data should be stored as it may be useful for some users. However, these responses (e.g. !E) from traceroute may not be fully standardised. BV will document meaning of ! codes and ensure traceroute tool does not output unknown codes - they will be replaced by ?. All codes will have their ! dropped (since ! is used to delimit hops). e.g.: 23.6 19.3 * * * * !E !E !E will be output as: 23.6#19.3#!##!E#E#E ... assuming !E is a known, documented code. AKP 31/10/2005