19 June 2006
HPDC 15, Paris
Europe/Zurich timezone


Experiences from Major Production Grids

19 Jun 2006, 09:00
HPDC 15, Paris

HPDC 15, Paris

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Erwin Laure (CERN)
19/06/2006, 09:00
Hideo Matsuda (Univ. of Osaka)
19/06/2006, 09:20
Miron Livny (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
19/06/2006, 09:40
Tony Rimovsky (NCSA)
19/06/2006, 10:00
Denis Girou (IDRIS)
19/06/2006, 10:40
Building timetable...