Minutes of storage phone conference 03 May 2006 Attending: Edinburgh: Greig Lancaster: Matt, Brian RAL Tier 1: Derek RAL Storage: Jiri, Owen, Jens (chair+mins) Apologies: Glasgow: Graeme 0. Review of actions (see below) 1. Deliverable status (again) Derek, Greig, and Owen are writing up the missing bits. Deliverable is a bit delayed, but Robin has been informed. 2. GridPP3 news or antinews Jens explained that he's writing up the case for support for storage in GridPP3. The PMB are writing the GridPP3 proposal, and need input for storage - it is likely that funding will go down because storage is seen to become a "service". 3. DPM on NGS Jens reported that NGS sites are installing DPM to evaluate and report on it to the ETF - at the moment Belfast, Southampton, and IC (and Oxford, possibly). This is a Good Thing because GridPP to NGS convergence is seen as a Good Thing. However, they are mostly failing; it seems they are trying to install 1.4.5 from LCG 2.7.0 on various non-SL systems, including SuSe and Solaris... (well, recompile on Solaris). One major issue appears to be that they all have 64 bit processors, and we have 0 experience with them apart from IC's dCache pool nodes [I checked with Alex from QMUL - they run their DPM on 32 bit machines] There is a specific mailing list for the SRM evaluation, ETF-SRM@jiscmail. David McBride from IC is managing the list, and coordinating the evaluation effort. Jens also said he'd attend the ETF meeting this afternoon (Access Grid). 4. Storage for hepsysman? We had a lot of storage stuff at the last hepsysman in December, but then we had to meet SC4 goals and have SEs deployed at all sites. Greig and Graeme will give talks, essentially updates/repeats of their HEPiX talks. Jens will check with Pete whether there are any (other) storage issues that need covering (ACTION). 5. gLite 3.0 RC2-$ storage status https://uimon.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/Glite30IssueTracking DPM - believed to be 1.5.6. Graeme sent a report before the meeting - _it_ doesn't work, but Graeme does. dCache - (Compare Tier 1 running Greig says the client from 1.6.7 is out, with partial SRM2 support (directories only AFAWK). 1.6.7 server hasn't been seen, but that one should have (most of) SRM2.1, and we're eagerly waiting to test it. Need to follow up with DESY or FNAL again (ACTION). 6. Stress testing SEs? Work on concurrent reading and writing is ongoing (I saw a page to this effect in the wiki but now can't find it again). Jiri is working on parallel processes within S2 (the SRM2 testing program). At the moment, the best way to stress test an implementation is probably to plug it into the SC, but that won't necessarily work for all SEs. 7. dCache release procedure Since LCG is now not doing much - or any - testing, there is a need for us (GridPP, and DESY perhaps) to improve our release procedure, in particular the testing part. ACTION Greig and Owen to suggest improvements. 8. Loose ends - except as covered above, there wasn't time. We'll pick them up next time. Storage Items for Owen's dCache visit Filling in Greig's site template Status of testing other SRMs Status of testing CASTOR's SRM1. Or SRM2. Or, both. Poolgroups? VOMS support? FTS vs srmcp Reading to and writing from SRMs Review of issues for T2 workshop? Progress of storage security challenge 6. AOB How many files can an SE file. If you ask for 500 files in one request, does it break? Classic SEs did, but aren't SRMs. Greig and Owen believe there is a setting in dCache to limit the number of files it will deal with. Not known whether DPM has such a thing. May need some testing. People should review the contents of the FTS vs srmcp page (ACTION). Brian asked whether dCache and DPM are using the same (in some sense) GridFTP. They aren't really, dCache is using a Globus Java version, and DPM the Globus 2.4 C libraries. They're doing work on transfer performance and are trying to "get rid of" TCP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIONS 41 10/08/2005 Agree licence with DESY Jens Open No news. 53 12/10/2005 Find reasoanable % for SE uptime for SC4 Jeremy Open Reassigned. Follow up with GDB et al No news. 54 02/11/2005 Report on performance/scalability with pools on WNs Paul Open Progress. Will put in wiki. NB: dcache pools No news, and nobody attended from Liverpool. 86 08/02/2006 Extend monitoring to do sites per VO and VOs per site Greig Open No progress since last meeting, but ongoing: Greig has already built some visualisation for this information. Jens suggested a spreadsheet-readable format would be another useful way to publish this information, and spreadsheet aficionados (like all of the PMB) could then make their own visualisations too - Steve Lloyd had shown such information at previous GridPP meetings. It was agreed that this was a good idea. 103 19/04/2006 Send dCache shopping list items to Owen/Jens, then prioritise ALL Open Ongoing, but now less urgent because Owen's trip has been postponed to the end of May. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW ACTIONS: 104 03/05/2006 Check storage requirements for May hepsysman Jens Open 105 03/05/2006 Re-poke DESY or FNAL about SRM 2.1 for dCache Jens? Open 106 03/05/2006 Suggest improvements to dCache testing/release procedure Owen/Greig Open 107 03/05/2006 Review FTS vs srmcp page ALL Open