CERN Colloquium

The Search of Axion Dark Matter

by Sikivie, P. (University of Florida)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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The axion provides a solution to the strong CP problem and is a cold dark matter candidate. I will review the limits on the axion from particle physics, stellar evolution and cosmology. The various constraints suggest that the axion mass is in the micro-eV to milli-eV range. In this range, axions contribute significantly to the energy density of the universe in the form of cold dark matter. Dark matter axions can be searched for on Earth by stimulating their conversion to microwave photons in an electromagnetic cavity permeated by a strong magnetic field. Using this technique, limits on the local halo density have been placed by the Axion Dark Matter experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I will give a status report on ADMX and its upgrade presently under construction.

I will also discuss the results from solar axion searches (Tokyo helioscope, CAST) and laser experiments (PVLAS).

Organiser(s): L. Alvarez-Gaume / PH-TH

Note: * Tea & coffee will be served at 16:00.
Video in CDS