1st UK induction to EGEE-II and its gLite 3 middleware

NeSC, Edinburgh, UK

NeSC, Edinburgh, UK

Mike Mineter

The purpose of this tutorial is to give a practical introduction to Grid Computing and the international EGEE grid.

During the last two years EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) established a large-scale grid infrastructure to support collaborative international research. This event briefly describes the activities and objectives of the next two years, under the second phase EGEE-II funding from the EU. It then introduces the services provided by the gLite 3 middleware.

The course has a practical emphasis, and is intended for anyone with an interest in grids, including researchers and systems managers.

The tutorial gives experience of the current middleware during practicals using the GILDA training testbed, as provided by INFN/University of Catania and partners.

This agenda may be subject to minor alteration.

Participants will be invited to run their own applications. These should be able to be compiled on LINUX, should NOT be interactive (i.e. they should read input files and write output files), and should have run-times of minutes rather than hours (for these training purposes). The code and data for these should be held in a tar ball, and either be brought to the event or else accessible for example by sftp.

Participants are asked to register for this event at http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/696/.

Please note that this event is scheduled to allow participants to stay on for a further event, the introduction to OMII-Europe, during the afternoon of 23 June.