PIC Tier-1 report: - 1 to 3 July: Torque server hanged, which made the CE service unavailable. - Still get some SFT errors for the sft-lcg-rm, which we think are false positives due to savannah bug https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?func=detailitem&item_id=17738 - Two tape drives are having problems, causing some inefficiency in the MSS service. However, no significant impact has been seen in the ongoing ATLAS SC4. - Intervention on the tape library on July the 5th from 10 to 11 am to cure previous problems. - ATLAS castor1 stager hanged a couple of times, due to high load posed by the "production" activites accessing files on tape in an unordered manner. This has an impact on the performance of the overall MSS service (castorsrm.pic.es). ATLAS has been contacted. - The glite-CE in production, ce05.pic.es, fails the SFTs for 9 hours beacuse tests are done using the wrong command edg-job-submit.