Main points from pre-CHEP06 SC workshop *************************************** 1) ALICE requested xrootd support at sites. GDB to consider. 2) New version of VOMS with support for groups and roles. For SC4 only DPM will support access control. 3) FTS - multi-hop transfers not required (T0/T1/T2 transfers can be point to point) 4) FTS does not support SRM v1 and v2 in parallel 5) A priority is SRMv2.1 compatibility tests between CASTOR, dCache and DPM 6) There must be support for SRMv2.1 in GFAL/lcg-utils 7) Graeme requested interface to allow tool to drain filesystems 8) A small group is being set up to take storage management issues forward. Group agreed that SRmv1 would only make two storage classes supported: permanent (tape cope, system managed disk cache) and durable (no tape copy, user managed disk cache) 9) Storage classes for SRMv2.1 are being discussed! 10) GridFTP v2 will slowly be introduced into tools - backward compatible 11) The experiments made clear that they have requirements around user files - must be secure, catalogued, shareable and quota limited! 12) Experiments agreed to make more use of (SC4 lists to be closed) 13) Still some discussion about T1-T1 transfers 14) Experiments provided more distilled information on data rates 15) Experiment production plans will rerun some SC3 tests 16) ATLAS phase-2 3-4 weeks in September-October Tier-0 test with data to Tier-2s 17) CMS want to test their entire chain using files larger than 2GB 18) Tier-1 to Tier-2 transfers are expected to be "very bursty and driven by analysis demands" 19) Network to Tier-2s expected to be between 1Gb/s to 10Gb/s. Aim 10MB/s to 100MB/s for T1-T2 by Spring 2006 20) Tier-2 to Tier-1 transfers are almost entirely continuous simulation transfers .... see document for more!