1) Information about the OPS VO. Background Piotr circulated a mail during CHEP06 with the following information: "a new VO dedicated for running "official" high-level monitoring tools and operations. This VO will not replace existing DTEAM VO, but all the high-level monitoring will be shifted to it, so that we will be able to remove the high priority- queue feature from DTEAM VO (potential abuses) and shift it to the new VO. The VO will also be used for interoperations with OSG and other grids.... The VO will be restricted to the people who really run high-level monitoring and this also applies to the VO Managers. The list of VO Managers (few people, rather technical ones) is to be discussed." The decision to approve the VO was taken at the Feb 21st ROC manager's meeting while I was on leave and there were no follow up actions - so I did not pass on the decision and details, my mistake - sorry. See AUP draft at base of this page. The timeline for setting up this VO was not specified. This has now been confirmed as over the next few months. It will be used for the new SAME monitoring framework: https://lxb2063.cern.ch:9443/same/cgi/same.cgi. 2) Messages from several sources indicate that the LHC experiment job loads will ramp up shortly as software reaches a stable state. 3) The LCG MoU has now been signed by PPARC (see news item: http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/news/-1143499264.407726.wlg). This does mean we need to seek clarification on exactly what available means and an acceptable level of service. 4) gLite 3.0 release candidate 2 has been installed on the PPS and yesterday was released to us for pre-release testing. (See our March UKI meeting for details of changes in the release) 5) There was an LCG GDB meeting in conjunction with HEPiX in Rome: http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a057704. Some of the key (see attached summary) discussions/decisions: SL3->SL4. T1 to T2 relationships. Quattor (tutorial will be available during June meeting). Use of and support for GFAL. VOBox summary. Security policy - issue of AUPs and publishing accounting data at user level. Accounting - CRRB requirements. 6) Storage accounting is becoming increasingly important. See mail from Graeme Stewart regarding the binary to extract data from DPM and the requests from Grieg et. al. to run du commands on dCache pools. The information produced is being collated into the Q12006 reports for the Tier-2s. The UB also needs a better understanding of the status of usage in order to better consider possible allocations of UK resources. DRAFT OPS AUP: This acceptable Use Policy applies to all members of the OPS Virtual Organization, hereafter referred to as the VO, with reference to use of the LCG/EGEE Grid infrastructure, hereafter referred to as the Grid. The ROC managers' coordination committee is the body that owns and gives authority to this policy. The goal of the VO is to facilitate the operations of the LCG/EGEE Grid infrastructure, which includes running official monitoring, re-certification and performance evaluation tools. Additionally the VO will be used for interoperations with other grid infrastructures. Membership of the VO will be highly restricted to only those people who are actively involved in high level operations of LCG/EGEE Grid (a.k.a. CIC-on-duty) as well as people acting in similar roles from other Grid infrastuctures where the two Grids are interoperating. During all times at which Grid resources are being utilised in monitoring or any other tasks relevant to the goal of the VO, the Members and Managers of the VO agree to be bound by the Grid Acceptable Usage Rules, VO Security Policy and other relevant Grid Policies, and to use the Grid only in the furtherance of the stated goals of the VO.