UKI Monthly Operations Meeting (TB-SUPPORT)



Meeting takes place in the Sunny VRVS room
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      Update and discussion on transfer tests
      - Review of current status and plans across sites
      Speaker: Jeremy/Greig
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      Deploying gLite 3.0.0
      - Update from Steve on experiences from Tier-1 deployment onto production infrastructure - Comments on wider rollout across Tier-2s from deployment team - Input from sites on realistic timescale for deployment - Current understanding of EGEE rollout plans An update from CERN deployment group as at 23rd May: - gLite 3.0 (plus the already announced and distributed updates) will be open to all the sites tomorrow morning - there are new fixes being built, integrated and certified, as part of the continuous release process. Sites should not wait for the next upgrade to start deploying gLite 3.0, as probably there will always be a newer update being prepared.
      Speaker: Steve/Jeremy
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      Operational issues
      - Support structures at sites - MB request for stricter use of scheduled downtime - Times for responding to tickets - Filling out weekly reports (good now but there are concerns about the changes to the relevance field) - Representation at weekly operations meetings - Accounting: CPU and storage (current push is in Tier-1 area but will expand) - General concerns: use of /tmp. Jobs running as sgm etc.
      Speaker: Jeremy
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      - Any volunteers to take part in the GILDA testbed? The URL for sites who wish to be involved is at Currently no UK involvement. GILDA provide a low threshold way to: a. have a 2-week test certificate set up for individuals within companies; b. give access to limited subset of resources to try out the Grid. PPARC are keen on this partnership approach which will attract technology transfer funding. See PMB minutes from Monday 22nd May for more details. - We have seen several sites failing to publish to APEL recently. Please could all sites check their accounting logs. - In your site reports, please only change the SFT status to not relevant if it is a definite off-site problem and then explain what the problem relates to! If you do now know please use "unknown". - Footprints will move to using ticket filtering based on domain names in subject field (makes use of GOCDB). Please let us know if you spot any problems caused by this. - AAOB!?
      Speaker: All