Dteam meeting minutes 21/03/06 Present: Jeremy, Alessandra, Olivier, Steve, Philippa, Greig, Graeme, Fraser Review of actions ================= - VO configuration concerning sgm and production users. Adding new groups to a VO configuration one at the time makes the deployment of the new groups difficult because it means that everytime sites have to reconfigure their site. In YAIM there is not an easy way to reconfigure a VO without restarting all the services. It would be enough to have a config_vo function. Alessandra opened a bug in savannah but it was never replied. Current focus of the storage group/area ======================================= Mostly problems concern tuning dcache and DPM and propagate the information to sites and helping sites upgrading. NorthGrid is concenred about the manual part of the upgrade to 2_7_0. Greig says it is doable and he can anyway help. Use of the testzone vs PPS ========================== Testzone might be needed by admins to train is it used? Concern about IC participation to PPS. Core sites in PPS already given a "quota" of sites. Experiments will rely on PPS for testing new software so it is a service. However people can be trained also on PPS. It all depends on what PPS will become eventually. Status of VOMS/VOMRS ==================== Sergey is creating VOs quite smoothly. He is .5 FTE for VOMS support. Should he also maintain a VO page? Need to discuss with Andrew McNab because the other .5 FTE should be for GridPP WEB support. There is a problem with VO information notr getting onto the CIC portal. VOs tend to create their own pages and then send an email to lcg-rollout if at all. They need to be reminded to use the CIC portal. Action (Jeremy): bring the problem forward at the operation meeting. People have to reregister via the VOMRS interface although there are still quite few problems. There is also the possibility to create subgroups. AOB === - Remaining concerns with the network monitoring machines We should go and reread Robin Tasker presentations at the last GridPPs before asking him a description of what these machines monitor and see if they are acceptable for sites with security concerns. - Status of Andrew McNab's security monitoring CD (how will we use it!?) Action (Jeremy): ask Andrew McNab about the status of the CDs Updating security contacts in GOC DB Action (T2C): check that sites have updated GOC DB. - Any issues getting remaining sites into transfer tests UCL-CC next week, IC-NeSC end of month Actions ======= Action (Jeremy): bring the problem forward at the operation meeting. Action (Jeremy): ask Andrew McNab about the status of the CDs Action (T2C): check that sites have updated GOC DB. Action (T2C): remind sites to send bids to send someone to the Tier2 workshop.