Archive - EP Seminar (until 2008)

Radiative decays at Belle

by Patrick Koppenburg (CERN-PH-EP)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Radiative decays b→s gamma and b→d gamma occur through penguin loops and are very sensitive probes of the Standard Model. Using 150 million BBbar pairs, the Belle experiment recently reported about an inclusive measurement of the b→s gamma decay, a first evidence for the Cabibbo-suppressed b→d gamma decay and CP violation measurements in radiative decays. The speaker will discuss these results, highlighting the inclusive b→s gamma measurement.

Organiser(s): C. Amelung / PH-EP Unit

Note: Tea & coffee will be served at 16:00 hrs.