All-Activity meeting

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


Bob Jones
GOAL: The purpose of this meeting is to review the status of the planning of all the activities for the EGEE project. There will be a slot for each activity to present its status and M3/M4 deliverables. It is a follow-up to the first EGEE Conference in April ATTENDANCE: Each activity leader should attend and invite other relevant people from their activity. The room capacity is 100. People should send an email to Marie-Laure Bourgeois-Schutz to register and indicate if they need a CERN access card. PHONE: A phone conference has been organised for those people that cannot attend in person. Conference Call number: +41 22 767 70 00. Ask for “EGEE All-Activity meeting”. Please inform Marie-Laure if you intend to connect by phone. VRVS: Moon Virtual Room that belongs to Planets/Universe community: Start at 08:00 the 18 June 2004 Finish at 20:58 the 18 June 2004 Time displayed in Time Zone: GMT +1 summer (Bern/Switzerland) Title: "EGEE / All Activities" SCHEDULE: This will be a full-day event so people travelling to/from CERN should arrive the night before and not take a flight before 18:30 on the evening. For each slot, the activity manager will make a presentation including the following points: - Summary of work accomplished since First EGEE Conference in Cork - State of their deliverables and milestones for M3 (as well as indication on deliverables and milestones for M4 and M5) - State of Execution Plan - Overview of current and planned WBSs - Overview of products - Risk analysis - Issues related to other activities - Highest priority steps to take between now and the 2nd project conference in Den Haag - Hiring status and manpower levels - Scope and objectives of each M3/M4 deliverables
more information
    • 09:00 12:00
      • 09:00
        NA1 & NA5 - project management and EU related work 30m
        See generic part above Introduction to the day Status of deliverables: - DNA1.1.1: First Quarterly periodic report - DNA1.2: Gender Action Plan Status of: - Contract amendment - Hiring for NA5 Planning for: - DNA5.1.1 (e-Infrastructure reflection group White Papers in conjunction with the EGEE Project Conferences)
        Speaker: Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN)
      • 09:30
        JRA1 - Middleware 45m
        See generic part above Status of deliverables: - DJRA1.1: Architecture and Planning (Release 1) Status of gLite prototype - List of requirements fulfilled in next release - Harmonisation with architecture Planning for: - DJRA1.2: Design of grid services (Release 1)
        Speaker: Frederic Hemmer (CERN)
      • 10:15
        JRA3 - Security 15m
        See generic part above Planning for: - DJRA3.1: Design of grid services (Release 1)
        Speaker: Ake Edlund (KTH)
      • 10:30
        Coffee 30m
      • 11:00
        NA2 - Dissemination and Outreach 30m
        See generic part above Status of deliverables: - DNA2.4.1: Dissemination Plan including a formal planning for using and disseminating knowledge throughout the project (including target audiences and measures for success) Proposal for better linking the general pubic and technical websites at the next all-activity meeting (June 18th) (PEB Action 48).
        Speaker: John Dyer (TERENA)
      • 11:30
        NA3 - User Training and Induction 30m
        See generic part above Status of deliverables: - DNA3.1.1: Training Plan Status of milestone: - MNA3.1: Training and induction planning phase complete
        Speaker: John Murison (NeSC)
    • 12:00 14:00

      Restaurant 2 on the CERN site serves lunch between 12:00 and 14:00 at participants expense

    • 14:00 17:30
      • 14:00
        JRA4 - Network Services Development 15m
        See generic part above
        Speaker: Javier Orellana (UCL)
      • 14:15
        SA1 - Grid Operations 45m
        See generic part above Status of deployment of non-HEP applications Status of deliverables: - DSA1.1: Detailed execution plan for first 15 months of infrastructure operation
        Speaker: Ian Bird or Cristina Vistoli (CERN)
        more information
      • 15:00
        SA2 - Network Resource Provision 15m
        See generic part above Status of situation vis-à-vis Russian partners Status of milestone: - MSA2.1: First meeting of EGEE-Geant/NRENs Liaison Board
        Speaker: Jean-Paul Gautier (CNRS)
      • 15:15
        NA4 - Application identification and Support 45m
        See generic part above Status of deliverables: - DNA4.1: Definition of Common Application Interface and Planning Document List of applications currently running on the grid Current requirements list Status of milestone: - MNA4.1: Definition of requirements from applications and first version of testsuite
        Speaker: Vincent Breton (CNRS)
      • 16:00
        Coffee 15m
      • 16:15
        JRA2 - Quality Assurance 30m
        See generic part above Planning for: - DJRA2.1: Quality Plan for EGEE - MJRA2.1: QA website deployed including Quality Plan, procedures and standards Review Procedure/Process + Quarterly Reporting
        Speaker: Alberto Aimar or Gabriel Zaquine (CERN / CNRS)
      • 16:45
        Summary & Discussion 45m
        Summary of the status of the activities, highest priority points and next steps
        Speaker: Bob Jones and All
        more information