PTF Meeting



Loomis, C.
Phone conference through CERN: +41 22 767 7000 (PTF)
    • 10:00 11:00
      Requirements 1h Video


      The requirements procedure has been updated to refer to the new requirements database. Members should review the procedure and raise any objections and/or corrections to the procedure. (See link on title of talk.) The new requirements database on savannah needs to be populated with the project requirements. For each activity/application I'd like to discuss: 1) The sources/documents being used for the requirements. 2) A rough estimate of the number of requirements which exist. 3) How much requirements gathering remains within the activity? 4) Manpower available for entering these into the database. 5) Expected timescale for doing so. Once we have this for each activity we can determine an overall schedule for having a fully operational database which will help us evaluate future releases of middleware.
    • 11:00 12:00
      Services/WSDL 1h Video


      What services will be a part of the first EGEE release? Many of these services will not use WSDL/SOAP for the interfaces. How do we want to document/control those interfaces. For future releases, is there a desire from the developers to move implementations into web services? If so, then we need to determine how we want to use WSDL in this scheme: standards to use, documentation expected from build system, storage of WSDL in a public space, etc. Once these are determined, we must discuss who is willing to work on the various points and a schedule for achieving these goals in the near-term. If not, how do we want to document the interfaces in the various languages? What standards to use? How to extract the relevant information from the build system/repository? If time permits, Jeff send around a proposal from ARDA/GAG on a metadata interface which we should discuss. Please read the proposal which is attached to the title above.
    • 12:00 13:00
      Testing 1h Video


      Discussion to get an overview of what's happening w.r.t. testing in the various activities? What concrete steps can be taken to improve the coverage of requirements with the tests?
    • 13:00 13:15
      AOB 15m Video


      Was video/phone meeting effective? Should we continue them? What frequency of meetings do we think is appropriate (depends on above question)? What dates for future meetings?