CERN Colloquium

Thematic Melodies of Twentieth Century Theoretical Physics: Quantization, Symmetry and Phase Factor

by YANG, C. N. (Tsinghua University, Beijing)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
Professor C.N. Yang is a living legend in Physics.  The depth and breadth of his contributions are simply staggering.  He is at the origin of the discovery of parity violation, Yang-Mills theory (with which we write the basic interactions in the standard model), the Yang-Baxter equation in the theory of integrable systems, the applications of topology in physics, and a long etcetera.  He is also an excellent speaker.  It is rare to have people of his stature come and visit CERN. It will be a memorable colloquium.

Organiser(s): L. Alvarez-Gaume / PH-TH

Note: * Tea & coffee will be served at 16:00
Video in CDS