14–16 Jul 2004
Catania (Italy)
Europe/Zurich timezone


NA4/JRA1 Session

15 Jul 2004, 14:00
Catania (Italy)

Catania (Italy)


The main goals of a common session JRA1/NA4 should be:

  1. Expose the JRA1 community to the users needs.
    The "users" should explain their plans (for example, ARDA end-to-end prototypes, Biomed pilot users plans, etc...) making explicit the key technical points.
  2. Expose the NA4 community to the plans and constrains from JRA1.
    In order to give sensible input, NA4 should be aware of the technical issues (service design and development, performance vs functionality, integration and testing mechanisms) in JRA1. In particular the priorities should be balanced with the technical constrains within JRA1.
  3. Discuss (resolve) the main issues discovered so far.
    The usage of the middelware infrastructure requires additional software from the users to be developed (modified, integrated). In many cases there is no clear boundary between a truly generic middleware and specific solutions. The workshop should clarify (in a pragmatic way) the boundaries to avoid duplication, to foster sharing technical solutions, to encourage the convergence on common tools whenever possible.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Lamanna, M. (CERN)
15/07/2004, 14:00
Laure.E (CERN)
15/07/2004, 14:05
Feichtinger.D (CERN)
15/07/2004, 14:35
15/07/2004, 14:50
15/07/2004, 15:35
Montagnat.J (CNRS)
15/07/2004, 16:00
15/07/2004, 16:15
Barbera.R (Catania)
15/07/2004, 17:00
15/07/2004, 18:00
Building timetable...