EGEE Tutorial at ISGC 2006, Taipei

Mike Mineter
The purpose of this event is to give an introduction to Grid Computing and to the international EGEE grid. The tutorial gives experience of the current middleware during practicals using the VOCE (Virtual Organization for Central Europe)grid. This grid spans the whole Central Europe Federation of EGEE; its core services are operated by CESNET. This agenda may be subject to minor alteration. Registration is via Participants are asked to bring a laptop with an ssh client installed (for example, PuTTY). Practicals will require familiarity with simple use of LINUX: use of command lines, editing files, simple shell scripts.
    • Introduction to Grids and to EGEE
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        What is Grid Computing?
        Speaker: Dr Mike Mineter (National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh)
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        An overview of the EGEE project and middleware
        EGEE has established an international grid infrastructure. This talk describes the activities and objectives of EGEE. It then outlines the major middleware services: Authorisation and Authentication Information Services Data Managament Workload management These will be used during the practicals later in the day.
        Speaker: Gergely Sipos (MTA SZTAKI, Hungary)
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        Authentication, Authorisation and Security
        The fundamental challenges of grid computing are described: how can trust be established between sites and users?? How can security be protected when communication is across a public network? How are users authorised to use computers and data?
        Speaker: Dr Mike Mineter
      • 10:45
    • Practical - introduction to the EGEE middleware

      Using the GILDA testbed, participants will gain familiarity with the main services provided by the EGEE middleware.

      Following an overview of datamanagement,information systems and job submission, emphasis is upon how applications can be run on GILDA.

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        Using your certificate for simple job submission
        We will use the basic commands for certificate management and for workload management.
        more information
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        Information systems on EGEE
        An outline is given of information systems. The "BDII Information System" commands will be used to explore the GILDA grid.
      • 12:45
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        Data management
        The management of files is described. Commands are used to read, write, replicate and list files on GILDA's storage.
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        Putting it all together!
        So far we have looked at the different services of the EGEE middleware. Now we run some simple applications that show how to: 1. submit jobs that read/write files held on the Grid 2. use a script to submit jobs to run concurrently.
      • 15:15
    • EGEE in Taiwan and Grid interoperability
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        Open Science Grid and EGEE Interoperation
        The Open Science Grid is a common, shared grid infrastructure in the US open for science applications. OSG peers with the EGEE in support of the LHC Experiments as part of the World Wide LHC Computing Grid. There are many areas of commonality, interoperation and collaboration.
        Speaker: Ruth Pordes (Fermilab, USA)
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        "Grid-enabling" applications using P-GRADE and GEMLCA
        The P-GRADE Portal is a generic, workflow-oriented graphical portal that can be connected to both LCG, gLite and Globus middleware based Grids. During the lecture and on-line demonstrations the following Portal capabilities will be introduced:
        • workflow development by a graphical tool
        • workflow execution in multiple grids
        • on-line observation and monitoring of workflows
        • data management
        For more information about the P-GRADE Portal please visit
        Speaker: Gergely Sipos
        more information
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        EGEE in Taiwan
        more information
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        Closing discussion