SA1 phone conference



Vistoli, Cristina
Phone numbers are: 800 929253 (for Italy) International +39 02 3700 9000 PIN code: 3154172
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    • 10:00 10:10
      Quarterly report 10m
      Speaker: Alistair Mills
    • 10:10 10:15
      Execution Plan 5m
      Speaker: Alistair Mills
    • 10:15 10:20
      All Activities' Meeting 5m
      Speaker: Cristina Vistoli
      more information
    • 10:20 10:25
      Time sheets 5m
      Speaker: Alistair Mills
    • 10:25 10:30
      CIC status 5m
      Speaker: Nick Thackray
    • 10:30 10:40
      Round the regions 10m
      Speaker: Most of us
    • 10:40 10:50
      Work Breakdown Structure 10m
      Speaker: Alistair Mills
      more information
    • 10:50 10:55
      SA1 - SA2 Collaboration 5m
      Speaker: Jules Wolfrat
      more information
    • 10:55 11:05
      AOB 10m
      Speaker: Any