All-activity meeting

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


Bob Jones
GOAL: The purpose of this meeting is to review the status of the planning of all the activities for the EGEE project. It is a follow-up to the All-Activity meeting in June ATTENDANCE: Each activity leader should attend and invite other relevant people from their activity. The room capacity is 100. People should send an email to Marie-Laure Bourgeois-Schutz to register and indicate if they need a CERN access card. PHONE: A phone conference has been organised for those people that cannot attend in person. Conference Call number: +41 22 767 70 00. Ask for “EGEE All-Activity meeting”. Please inform Marie-Laure if you intend to connect by phone. VRVS: Moon Virtual Room that belongs to Planets/Universe community: Start at 08:00 the 13 September 2004 Finish at 20:58 the 13 September 2004 Time displayed in Time Zone: GMT +2 summer (Bern/Switzerland) Title: "EGEE / All Activities" SCHEDULE: This will be a full-day event so people travelling to/from CERN should arrive the night before and not take a flight before 18:30 on the evening. For each slot, the activity manager will make a presentation including the following points: - Summary of work accomplished since last AA meeting - State of deliverables and milestones for PM4-PM6 - Risk analysis (top 5 only) - Issues related to other activities - Highest priority steps to take between now and the 2nd project conference in Den Haag - Hiring status and manpower levels - Scope, objectives and status of each M5/M6 deliverables
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