EU demos

Den Haag (2nd EGEE conference)

Den Haag (2nd EGEE conference)

Bob Jones
This session is intended to review candidate demonstrations for the EGEE 1st EU review in February 2005. NOTE: There are many candidate demos but only a subset will be shown at the review due to time restrictions. The External Advisory Committee and the EGAAP members have been asked to attend this session and provide their feedback. An SA1 monitoring demo will be held at CERN the week after the review. Notes for demos presenters: - network connectivity is limietd so please be modest in your needs - no PCs will be provided for this session so bring your own laptop to perform your demo - incase of unforeseen problems in running your demo, please prepare a set of powerpoint slides showing the highlights of your demo as a backup solution.
    • morning session

      This session should include demos already running on the production service or GILDA with LCG-2 without modification or special support.

      • 1
        Bob will give a brief introduction to this session explaining the format and goals.
        Speaker: Bob Jones
      • 2
        CDSS: Clinical Decision Support System
        A demo will be given to describe how classification resources of the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSSS) pilot application can be discover in a Grid, explaining how users can securely enter in the application and how the information is presented. After discovering the available resources to the VO the user belongs to, one will be selected according to the quality of its output and a patient test will be submitted. The result of the process (the proposed diagnosis) will be finally shown.
        See for details.
        Speaker: Ignacio Blanquer (UPV)
      • 3
        GPS@: Grid Protein Sequence Analysis
        GPS@ ( aims at being an integrated grid portal devoted to molecular bioinformatics. Its parent is the NPSA web portal, a production web portal hosting proteins databases and algorithms for sequence analysis. NPSA has been serving the bioinformatic community since 1998. Currently, we have placed strong restrictions on NPSA in terms of databanks and algorithms available to users, due to NPSA's limited resources (one cluster of 14 CPUs). We will show how the EGEE grid could be used in backoffice of the NPSA portal in order to go over the current restrictions. The consequences for bioinformaticians are that they will be able to do more analysis on bigger set of data, with the same well-known web interface.
        See for details.
        Speaker: Christophe Blanchet (CNRS)
      • 4
        gPTM3D: grille - Poste de Traitement Médical
        The demo will present the first achievement of gPTM3D. gPTM3D is an EGEE-enabled version of a medical images analysis software used in clinical practice. Currently, the volume reconstruction module has been coupled with EGEE with the following results
        • the overall response time is compatible with user requirements (less than 2 minutes)
        • the local interaction scheme (stop, restart, modify) remains unmodified.
        The demo will show that gPTM3D shares requirements with some other EGEE internal applications (scheduling agents), and has specific features (fine grain data-driven computations).
        See for more details.
        Speaker: Cecile Germain-Renaud (CNRS)
      • 5
        Earth Science demo
        GEOCLUSTER© is CGG's seismic processing software limited version for test/demonstration purpose. Components: 1- An executable binary file installed on the CE: yuc.exe: GEOCLUSTER core executable for Linux, takes a GSL (Geocluster Seismic Language) file as input. 2- A script file installed on the CE: the shell script used to launch the seismic job and manage output files. Takes the GSL file as argument; The following link is created at install: /usr/bin/Egeode-GCT -> /opt/EGEODE/GCT/ Example (provided that /usr/bin/ is in $PATH): > Egeode-GCT fanmo.gsl Create a private working directory for the seismic job; it is removed after job completion. It manage 3 output files : - log is the system execution messages that is useful only if the job crash, for investigation and debugging purpose. - err : error file; - list contains output results from the seismic processing modules; The Geocluster user on the grid will want to transfer this file to his local site. 3- The user's seismic job file coded in the GSL (Geocluster Seismic Language) to be submitted with the jdl: fanmo.gsl: an example of a seismic job coded in the GSL. This is where the geophysicist builds the processing sequence; You would need the Ceocluster documentation in order to understand this kind of files; This is just to give you a brief description; The syntax is column sensitive: 1 to 2: '* ' a star followed by a space means a module name is to be read in column 3 to 7; '**' 2 stars mean this line is a comment line; ' ' 2 spaces mean this is a continuation line for current module's parameters. 2 to 7: Geocluster seismic module name 9 to 10: seismic module option 15 to 16: seismic module input buffer 23 to 24: seismic module output buffer 31 to 80: seismic module parameters; May continue on next line starting at column 3. The GSL file is divided in 2 parts: The 1rst part provide auxiliary data for the job (LIBRI) velocity laws, water bottom data, mute data; The 2nd part contains the seismic modules within a loop (BOUCL...FINBO); the module DAGEN generates synthetic seismic traces that are delivered into the buffer EA; module FANMO (Hyperbolic, non-hyperbolic or liner move out) takes the seismic trace as input in buffer EA and output the processed seismic trace in buffer EB; module LISTE print the contents of trace EB in the job output listing file "list$$" (cf script file "run" below). Here is the list of the modules currently available with this version: * LIBRI VI, * LIBRI FD, * LIBRI MU, * LIBRI UM, * LIBRI CN, * RUNET, * DAGEN, * CORRE, * DUPLI, * MODET, * LISTE, * TRANS, * HISTA, * EVERY, * SCALE, * SELEC, * FANMO, * FILTR, * MUTES, * STACK This example file is given the name "fanmo.gsl" after the main processing module FANMO; but there is no rule for naming, it can be given any name. The user of Geocluster on the grid should be able to edit existing GSL files or create new ones.
        Speaker: Thomas, D. and/or Youinou, G. (CGG)
    • lunch
    • afternoon session
      • 6
        Computational Chemistry demo
        The demo will execute the Simulation of the reaction H+ICl using the Quasiclassical approach (ABCtraj application) and a PES of type LEPS well known in the literature. Some Virtual Monitors of the reaction will be shown during the Simulation and discussed.
        Speaker: Gervasi, O. and Lagana', A. (Univ. Perugia)
      • 7
        Astro-particle Physics demo
        A typical production of the MAGIC Montecarlo will be shown.
        Speaker: Kornmayer, H. and/or Forti, A. (FZK and Univ. Udine)
      • 8
        Video-on-demand demo
        A typical video-on-demand application on a grid environment will be demonstrated. This is also the EGEE demo at the Rio event.
        Speaker: Barbera, R. and Giorgio, E. (Univ. Catania and INFN)
      • 9
        ARDA/ALICE demo
        A typical HEP distributed analysis application on a grid environment will be demonstrated. The user uses the gLite grid services in an interactive way to access ALICE experiment data.
        Speaker: Peters, A
      • 10
        ARDA/LHCb rerun (actual demo in Rio)
        A typical HEP distributed analysis application on a grid environment will be demonstrated. The user uses the gLite prototype resources to access LHCb experiment data. The user changes the applications and resubmits it according to his/her needs.
        Speaker: Liko, D
      • 11
        discussion on demos