Grid Computing for Complex Problems, Slovakia

Institute of Informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia

Institute of Informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia

"Gridové počítanie pre zložité aplikácie"

3 day combined event for grid users: workshop with invited lectures and plenary discussions, accompanied by induction & grid application developer course.

Deadline for papers & registration: 14 November 2005.
Size: max.6 pages, LNCS style to be sent through web submission & registration form (source and PDF).
Registration fee: 500 Sk + 300 Sk per proceedings, in cash at the conference.

Workshop topics:

  1. High performance applications
  2. Tools and services for grid computing
  3. Knowledge mechanisms applicable in grid computing

Venue: IISAS, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Language: Slovak, Czech, English (in papers: Abstract should be written in English)

Associate action: to create national Grid initiative "Spristupnenie Gridu pre elektronicku vedu na Slovensku" which will help to improve the e-science in Slovakia through the creation of virtual organizations for individual science branches. The workshop's aim is to join Grid specialists with complex application users.
