All-activity meeting

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


Robin Middleton
This all-activity meeting is dedicated to the preparation of the EGEE-II project proposal. The Collaboration Board representatives, PEB and PMB members are invited to this meeting. It will be an opportunity to collect feedback and comments in order to move on to the next step of the proposal preparation. The points to be covered during the meeting are outlined below (a more detailed agenda is being prepared): VRVS: ===== Log to: Title: EGEE All Activity Meeting Room: =========== Last minute change: VENUS ========= Registration: ============= 1. Attendance: Send a mail to to let us know if you are coming. Please specify if you need an access card to enter at CERN or if you already have one. 2. Hotel: We strongly recommend you to book a hotel ASAP. The CERN hostel is always an option, but since CERN ' s summer students occupy most rooms you probably have better chances of getting a room outside of CERN. Please consult the following link for hotels in the area: 3. How to get here: